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unattended possessions subject to confiscation

August 04, 2003
11:47 am

woke up too early beause of hearing someone screaming a thin and otherworldly sort of scream. oh, it's me making that noise. huh. dreaming of abandonment, betrayal. things representing love and security forcibly taken away. visceral stuff.

tomorrow night i fly away on the red-eye and then it will be sun and lake and family and naps and boats and things good for the soul. i will pack summery and leave the hoods and sweaters and fears and aches behind, i will travel light. the so heavy things i will simply put down. maybe just leave them on a bench in SFO and someone can report them by dialing 9-1-1 on a white courtesy telephone.

i will try to come back healed and whole.

i am hopeful.